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Nature Based Education Attendance Policy

Regular attendance is correlated to successful academic achievement. Student absence from school should be limited to those instances in which absence is genuinely unavoidable.

When your child will be absent for the day, please call our 24-hour attendance line as soon as possible. The number is 763-272-2811. Leave a message which includes your name, the date, your child's name, their classroom teacher's name, and the reason for the absence. Please call each day your child is absent. If you know they will be gone for more than one day, you may leave the expected dates of absence (i.e. for vacation). You may request homework after two days of absence.

If a parent/guardian does not notify the school when a student is absent, the absence will be marked asĀ unexcused. We are required to report a charge of Educational Neglect to Wright County after seven unexcused absences.

Students are expected to be in school by 9:00 am. If a student is not in class by 9:05 am, the student will be considered tardy. Oversleeping, missing the bus, or having car problems are considered unexcused. Three unexcused tardies are the equivalent of one unexcused absence.

Please take this responsibility to report your child's absences to the school seriously. We believe it provides a measure of safety and security for our students.




Attendance Hotline:

Needed Information:
- Date
- Child's Name
- Teacher's Name
- Reason for Absence
- Parent/Guardian Name

Continuing this year, you will be able to request an absence from the Parent Portal instead of calling the attendance line.